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A look in the rearview mirror for OHSB in 2018

To say a lot happened for One Hundred Shares Birmingham in 2018 would be an understatement! We have seen our Lord take One Hundred Shares Birmingham from a dream to a reality in 12 short months. As board members we have often felt like we are just passengers in the car along for the ride — the ride to grant $50,000 -$100,000 to deserving, Christ-Centered ministries in Birmingham. This ride, however, is much more scenic because we are riding together instead of alone. Allow me to recap some of the highlights:

March: Several Birmingham women journeyed to Georgia for a vision trip to learn from and observe One Hundred Shares in Atlanta. May: A steering committee of 11 women, committed to the vision, was established for the formation of OHSB. Summer: The steering committee drafted by-laws and policies and procedures that would be necessary for a non-profit organization. The steering committee turned into a full-fledged board with the addition of a few members, bringing our number to 14 women on the Board of Trustees. We formed an integral partnership with the National Christian Foundation of Alabama. August: Our website was beautifully designed and launched. We applied with the IRS for 501(c)(3) status. October: We hosted our first OHSB coffee that was attended by almost 100 women, 82 of whom committed to pray about their involvement. December: God led Birmingham women to join together with us, bringing the total number of OHSB partners to 45 by December 31.

As we reflect on 2018, we are overwhelmed with gratitude to the Lord for the mighty deeds He has done. Now, as we look towards 2019, what does the roadmap look like? What can we see out of the front window? Only our heavenly Father knows for sure, but we hope to see OHSB grow to 100+ partners in 2019. We want to see God change us as He uses our feeble efforts to change our city and give an everlasting hope to those who need it. We will host another coffee in the Spring and invite other women to join us. We will visit ministries in our area and pray about our grant finalists. If God so wills, we will give the first ever One Hundred Shares Birmingham grant to a ministry in our city in the Fall.

In 2019 we will Wait, Hope, Pray, and Give. We will wait on the Lord, place our hope in Him, pray for guidance, and give where he asks us to give. With much excitement and anticipation, I, along with all the board members, are grateful you have joined with us. It is a pleasure to Wait, Hope, Pray, and Give with you. “Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think…to him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Blessings, Amy Tankersley OHSB Board Chair January, 2019

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